NARES-CGIAR Leadership Meeting: Genetic Innovation


  • Date
  • Time
    08:30 am > 06:00 pm UTC-11:00
  • Location
    Marakech, Morocco
  • Registration

    By invitation only

When: October 26, 2023, following 3rd African Plant Breeders Association (APBA) Conference

Where: Marakech, Morocco

What: Within Genetic Innovation and beyond, CGIAR is undergoing a transition to have greater impact in collaboration with national partners. CGIAR, national agricultural research and extension systems (NARES) and regional leadership meet in an in-person event to determine what has changed and progressed since the 2022 meeting, and what should be the plans going forward to ensure strong NARES-CGIAR collaboration on genetic innovation and positive impacts in farmers’ fields. The event follows on and assesses progress on the 2022 Aide Memoire, which laid out principles and actions for collaboration.

The day is divided into three sections and will result in agreed next steps:

  • Session I – What has happened thus far?
  • Session II – SRO and ARI alignment
  • Session III – Areas that need further attention, how do we measure progress?

Participation: This event was by invitation only and is hosted by the CGIAR Genetic Innovation Science Group. Participants included National Agricultural Research and Extension Services (NARES) leaders, CGIAR Genetic Innovation leaders, regional organizations, CGIAR breeding program leaders. A range of CGIAR Centers also partipated, and Genetic Innovation Research Initiatives involved included: Accelerated Breeding, Breeding Resources, Genebanks, Market Intelligence, Seed Equal.

Aide Memoire: (agreed and signed, Oct. 26, 2023)



Support: We would like to thank all funders who support this research through their contributions to the CGIAR Trust Fund. Special thanks to CGIAR research centers, and supporters and national partners, which include but are not limited to the following: