We are currently seeking applications for the position of Gender-Smart Investing Specialist. The overall objective is to help CGIAR and AICCRA mainstream gender and climate change into the risk management, investment decision and capital allocation processes as to radically increase the volume of capital that flows to women-led SMEs as well as increase the number of women that run impact funds with a climate focus. This position will be based at Dakar, Senegal or Nairobi, Kenya
*Please find more detailed information in the Terms of Reference available on the CCAFS website.
Terms of employment
This is an internationally recruited position placed at a BG8, in a scale of 14 levels, with level 14 being the highest.
The initial contract will be for up to two (2) years, subject to a probation period of six (6) months, and is renewable depending on performance and availability of resources. The Alliance Bioversity-CIAT offers a multicultural, collegial research environment with competitive salary and excellent benefits. We are an equal opportunity employer, and strive for gender, diversity and inclusion in our staff, without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, age, disability, marital status, or any other characteristic.
Applicants are invited to send a cover letter illustrating their suitability for the above position against the qualifications, competencies, skills together with a detailed curriculum vitae, including names and addresses of three referees knowledgeable about the candidate’s professional qualifications and work experience. All correspondence should be addressed to the Human Resources Office, at (t.solis@cgiar.org) and should clearly indicate “Application: Gender-Smart Investing Specialist”.
Please note that applications that do not include all the information described above will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.
Closing date for applications: Mar/31/2021.
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