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For the seventh installment of Delta Talks, the CGIAR Initiative on Asian Mega-Deltas (AMD) and Wageningen University & Research (WUR) presented a webinar focusing on studies addressing some of the most pressing issues in the deltas.

Dr. Phan Kieu Diem, a Professor at Can Tho University, Vietnam, presented a study on land use change in the Mekong River Delta (MRD) region, Vietnam, under the influence of climate impacts. Dr. Diem discussed the 20-year land use dynamics in MRD, focusing on locations (coastal and upstream areas) and climate change impacts and other related factors affecting land use change. Additionally, adaptation solutions and strategies for sustainable development were emphasized.

Mr. Md Feroz Islam, a researcher on water and food at WUR, shared their ongoing work on global saline hotspots and vulnerable areas facing increasing salinity. The study aims to identify hotspot locations for salinity using combined soil and water salinity data, while also investigating the impact of salinity on crop yield and vulnerable areas experiencing rising salinity levels.

To learn more about these studies, you can watch the full session:

A collaboration between AMD and WUR, Delta Talks is a webinar series focusing on the development and results of research activities on securing food systems and strengthening climate resilience in the Asian mega-deltas. Delta Talks serves as a platform for the joint exchange of research results or ongoing work between AMD and WUR.

Join the Delta After Talks at: NFP Connect platform

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