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In 1995, IFPRI researchers developed DREAM (Dynamic Research EvaluAtion for Management), a software to evaluate agricultural R&D projects based on an economic surplus partial equilibrium model. Over the years, this menu-driven software package has been widely used around the world in the evaluation and priority setting of agricultural projects. Building on the same methodological background, IFPRI’s BioRAPP project of the Program for Biosafety Systems, in collaboration with Vitamin Software, developed a new and improved version named DREAMpy, a Python version of DREAM.

DREAMpy is an open source software that allows users to directly input data and generate their output in Excel worksheets. It builds on the original DREAM software and includes intuitive, user-friendly navigation.

DREAMpy can simulate four market models: Horizontal Multimarket, Closed Economy, Small Open Economy and Vertical (3-levels) Market. Additionally, DREAMpy allows users to perform sensitivity analysis of key variables for multiple regions.

DREAMpy was designed with portability in mind, and it works on Apple’s macOS, Linux and Windows through a command line interface. However, for Windows, we provide a portable version that allows users to download the package and run DREAMpy directly without having to install anything on their Windows computers.

For detailed information on DREAMpy installation and use, please view this walkthrough video.

For additional information please contact

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