Bigger, bolder, high-yielding confectionery groundnut variety released in Karnataka, India

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Photo: Pod and kernels of ICGV 06189. Photo: Dr Babu Motagi, UASD

A superior export-quality confectionery groundnut variety that comes with a higher cost benefit ratio compared to local checks was released for cultivation in the Northern Transitional Agro-climatic Zone of Karnataka, India. The variety ICGV 06189 comes with superior pod and kernel features, higher pod yield, higher seed mass and low oil content preferred for confectionery varieties.

“ICGV 06189 with its higher recovery of large seeds (> 70g /100 seeds) and better pod and kernel features compared to current confectionery varieties has the potential to increase farmers’ incomes, meet the current demand for confectionery groundnuts in the region and provides an opportunity to tap export potential,” said Dr Motagi.

Former groundnut breeder from UAS-D, Dr HL Nadaf, selected and recommended ICGV 06189 from the advanced breeding lines shared by ICRISAT under the Tropical Legumes II project to the All India Coordinated Research Project on Groundnut for national testing.

The new variety was released for cultivation in the Northern Transitional Agro-climatic zone (Zone 8) of Karnataka state at the 84th meeting of Central Sub-Committee on Crop Standards, Notification and Release of Varieties for Agricultural Crops held on 29 July 2020.

How does this new variety compare with other varieties? Read more:

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