
Fruit and Vegetables for Sustainable Healthy Diets (FRESH)

Understanding and influencing consumer behavior

People do not eat enough fruit and vegetables, even when they are accessible and affordable. Detailed dietary data is needed to understand the extent of the problems and opportunities across different population groups in low- and middle-income countries, and work is needed to design, test and scale appropriate interventions to encourage increased fruit and vegetable intake.

In this area of work FRESH has several partners actively involved in the design and implementation of its activities such as Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka and Department of Science and Technology – Food and Nutrition Research Institute in the Philippines as well as NGOs, UN Organizations and Government Partners. Together, we are conducting research to understand the context-specific priority opportunities and constraints to fruit and vegetable intake, co-designing, testing and plan to eventually scale appropriate interventions to shift dietary behaviors.


Read about the Initiative’s other focus areas:

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