CGIAR Research Portfolio 2025–2030

The 2025-30 Research Portfolio is intended to accelerate and strengthen the implementation of CGIAR’s 2030 Strategy. It aims to raise the ambition for our science and innovation by bringing together and leveraging collective capabilities of all CGIAR Research Centers. 

Our Portfolio focuses on addressing major global challenges such as climate change, gender and social inequalities, poor-quality diets, rural poverty, environmental degradation, and issues stemming from fragility, conflict, and violence. As we do that, we will consider how significant megatrends are linked to those challenges, including demographic changes, shifting consumption patterns, geopolitical instability, and emerging technologies. 

The development of this Portfolio involved our extensive network of partners, ensuring it reflects the priorities and interests of stakeholders at local, regional, and global levels. 

Building on a robust foundation of over 50 years of history of impact and thousands of ongoing projects while expanding into new areas of science, we have structured the new Portfolio around eight Science Programs, a Scaling for Impact Program, and three Accelerators designed to work synergistically.  

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