Fruit and Vegetables for Sustainable Healthy Diets (FRESH)
An end-to-end approach: We take an innovative, holistic end-to-end approach that begins with consumers and works back through the food system — working with innovation, implementation, and scaling partners — to improve accessibility of fruit and vegetables and increase year-round supply of a diverse range of safe, affordable, nutrient-dense vegetables.
Focusing on evidence: Improving fruit and vegetable consumption requires evidence-based approaches that address issues throughout the value chain — from production to transportation and processing to food environments to consumption.
In particular, activities will focus on:
- Understanding and influencing consumer behavior
- Addressing issues of biodiversity, seed systems, and genetic innovation
- Ensuring safe and sustainable production systems
- Considering post-harvest issues and ensuring inclusive markets
- Developing food environments that are conducive to health and nutrition
- Strengthening the enabling environment
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