
Fruit and Vegetables for Sustainable Healthy Diets (FRESH)

Reducing postharvest losses and ensuring food safety through supply chain improvements

It is estimated that around 40% of fruit and vegetables grown in low- to middle-income countries are wasted, mainly due to inefficient and damaging supply chains. Loss of quality and nutritional value, together with potential food safety issues, further reduce their value to consumers. This research area is focused on identifying major causes of waste and designing interventions that reduce their impact. Demand-led innovations are designed in collaboration with local businesses and include changed harvest practices, packaging, cooling or value chain operations. The overall objective is to improve profits for farmers and traders, with a focus on women and youth, while also increasing the availability of fresh and healthy food for consumers.

This research area is led by Applied Horticultural Research in collaboration with University of Sydney and Wageningen University. Key partners include the University of the Philippines, the Industrial Technology Institute Sri Lanka, World Vegetable Centre Arusha and the University of Abomey Calavi in Benin.

Read about the Initiative’s other focus areas:

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