Putting gender at the heart of climate security

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Climate-related threats to human security affect millions of people worldwide, but not equally. The most marginalized, including women, youth and ethnic minorities are often disproportionately impacted because of deeply rooted gender and social norms, relations and inequalities that inhibit their capacity to adapt and respond to these shocks.

For the discussion, we focused on the following key questions:
• How do climate-related security risks impact men and women differently, and how can we assess and analyse these impacts better?
• What kind of approaches are best suited to address the gender and climate security nexus?
• Why is it important to engage women and young people when designing and implementing programs?
• Where do gaps lie with how policymakers and researchers have engaged with gender and climate security previously, and what needs to be done in the future to inform future research and policy?

Caroli, Giulia; Sarzana, Carolina; Taylor, Alice; Pacillo, Grazia; Läderach, Peter.

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