Viviane Sebahire Maramuke, the driving force behind SOFEDI, is a beacon of inspiration. Her active involvement and ambitious spirit have propelled the organization into the realm of agribusinessr. With a firm belief that success is achievable, she spearheaded the initiative, guiding SOFEDI through the challenges and triumphs of the bean farming venture.
To ensure the project’s success, Viviane collaborated with ‘Action pour la Promotion et l’Accompagnement de la Femme Demunie (APAFED)’ (a supplier of certified seeds with a track record of excellence). APAFED, supported by the Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA) (led by the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT) has brought valuable expertise to the partnership. This collaboration not only strengthened the supply chain but also contributed to the sustainability of the project.