Country workshops to discuss the future of CGIAR research in CWANA
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Building on the July CWANA consultations, CGIAR led by Mr. Aly Abousabaa – Regional Director of Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA) and ICARDA Director General, Martin Kropff – Global Director of the Resilient Agrifood Systems Science Group, and Michel Afram – Board of Trustees Chair for ICARDA and LARI Director General, is now carrying out a series of country workshops across the region. The workshops will discuss how the CGIAR CWANA Initiative can benefit individual dryland countries and how CGIAR can build on their vast potential and address their agricultural challenges.
The CWANA initiative, also known as “From Fragility to Resilience in Central and West Asia and North Africa (F2R-CWANA)”, aims to transform dryland agri-food systems through a process of consultation, monitoring, impact evaluation, innovation, and addressing of policies. Five work packages within F2R-CWANA address critical actions such as fast-tracking technology adoption in agriculture and research, biodiversity preservation, sustainable water management, delivering gender equality in agriculture, improvement of value chains, and private sector engagement.
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