Vendors and consumers perception and microbiological analysis of some fast food items

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The study was conducted to determine the present status of producer and consumer of fast food restaurant as well as hygienic condition of different types of fast food items in Barisal city during January to May 2014. Total 150 food samples of 10 items were collected from 24 restaurants and 60 consumers were selected randomly for data collection. The microbiological analysis of fast foods sample was performed by the Plant Pathology Laboratory, BARI regional office, Barisal. The customer of singara was 18.33% and burger was15% consumed as fast food. About 30% consumers had knowledge about nutrition and 33.78% in hygiene and only 13.33% had ideas in food borne pathogen. Among them 30% consumed Fast food for Easy access. 26.67% E. coli, were found in Burger than 20% in vegetable roll, Among Salmonella spp. 26.67% found in sandwich but in fried chicken, samosa and singara items were not contaminated by E. coli and Salmonella spp. It is necessary to develop awareness to consumption knowledge both of the producer and consumer on health, hygiene and safety aspects of preparation, handling and consumption of fast foods at Barisal city in Bangladesh.

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