Wheat stem rust caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt) threatens wheat production worldwide. The objective of this study was to characterize wheat stem rust resistance in ‘Linkert’, a variety with adult plant resistance effective to emerging wheat stem rust pathogen strain Ug99. Two doubled haploid (DH) populations and one recombinant inbred line (RIL) population were developed with ‘Linkert’ as a stem rust resistant parent. Hard red spring wheat variety ‘Forefront’ and genetic stock ‘LMPG’ were used as stem rust susceptible parents of the DH populations. Breeding line ‘MN07098-6’ was used as a susceptible parent of the RIL population. Both DH and RIL populations with their parents were evaluated both at the seedling stage and in the field against Pgt races. Genotyping data of the DH populations were generated using the wheat iSelect 90k SNP assay. The RIL population was genotyped by genotyping-by-sequencing. We found QTL consistently associated with wheat stem rust resistance on chromosome 2BS for the Linkert/Forefront DH population and the Linkert/MN07098-6 RIL population both in Ethiopia and Kenya. Additional reliable QTL were detected on chromosomes 5BL (125.91 cM) and 4AL (Sr7a) for the Linkert/LMPG population in Ethiopia and Kenya. Different QTL identified in the populations reflect the importance of examining the genetics of resistance in populations derived from adapted germplasm (Forefront and MN07098-6) in addition to a genetic stock (LMPG). The associated markers in this study could be used to track and select for the identified QTL in wheat breeding programs.