IITA Gender Network plans better strategies to promote gender research in One CGIAR

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The IITA Gender Science Network (GSN) is a team that comprises social and biophysical scientists, communication staff, and project managers. The Network’s goal is to be a vibrant community of practice for gender advocacy and enhancing gender research, communication, and impact. It also envisions having an innovative and diverse network of scientists in IITA to strengthen the quality and visibility of gender research through dialogue, cooperation, and influencing the delivery agenda of the Institute.

The GSN holds quarterly meetings to monitor its activities, measure progress, identify challenges, and discuss the way forward. On 29 July, the Network held its second quarterly meeting for the year to highlight the Network’s gender research activities of the second quarter and discuss new activities and progress made. There was also discussion around the CGIAR GENDER Platform and One CGIAR ‘Gender’ Initiative.

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