Headlines: Trump on fire, palm oil price slump and the extinction of coffee

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Forests News has trawled through the world’s press to give you our best pick of stories:

Rising temperatures threaten cultural heritage

Credit: The New York Times

On social media The New York Times reran a lauded five-part series that did the rounds again on Twitter over the weekend. Perfect excuse then to include in the summary! The multimedia story delves into the threat that climate change looms over the world’s most famous heritage sites: Warming seas in the Galapágos face its creatures with their biggest evolutionary test, swelling seas sweep up Easter Island’s cultural heritage, the rapidly changing ecosystem of Yellowstone National Park leave little time for its animals to adapt, drier weather chokes Lebanon’s millennia old cedars and rising seas steal stone age landmarks in Scotland’s Orkney islands.

See the rest of the story at forestsnews.org

Trump deals with wildfires by increasing deforestation

Ethiopia’s “church forests” give faith for restoration

Feed the world in a better way 

Can’t live without coffee? Scientists warn of bad tastes and price hikes

The post Headlines: Trump on fire, palm oil price slump and the extinction of coffee appeared first on CIFOR Forests News.

See the rest of the story at forestsnews.org

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