Achieving agricultural carbon neutrality by 2050

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Five Latin American countries contributing towards achieving agricultural carbon neutrality by 2050.

Latin America and the Caribbean is recognized as one of the region most vulnerable to climate change and variability. It is mainly affected by prolonged periods of drought and extreme precipitation, increasing flooding and the frequency of cyclones and hurricanes in the region. These adverse events are a determining factor for farmers and the agrifood sector, since they directly affect food production, its sustainability and the food security of the population.

However, the agricultural sector has been pointed out as one of the main emitters of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in the world; representing 19 and 24% globally (CCAFS, 2018). This is why, through the Paris Agreement and the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Latin American governments have assumed differentiated challenges and commitments to reorient the region’s development towards low-carbon and sustainable production strategies in the face of climate change (CEPAL, 2019).

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