
In 2017, CGIAR produced 616 ‘innovations’ (significant products or findings), including 348 in a stage available for uptake (for example, a variety released, or a technique ready to scale up). Table 1 summarizes the types and stages of innovations reported, while some examples of innovations are available here. The complete list of innovations available for uptake in 2017 is in Annex Table C and the full database of innovations at all stages can be found in CGIAR Innovations in 2017. Of the innovations available for uptake, 67% were reported as novel and 33% were reported as adaptive (adaptations of previous innovations for new areas, situations, etc.).

A message from CGIAR’s science leaders on the most exciting and promising areas of research for impact by 2030

Table 1. CGIAR innovations reported for 2017, by stage of research and type of innovation

1-Research/proof of concept 50 13 57 6 8 134
2-Piloting 45 9 6 3 3 66
3-Available for use 68 32 228 11 9 348
4-Taken up by ‘next users’ 38 10 11 7 2 68
Total 201 64 302 27 22 616

Source: CRP annual reports and evidence presented to support claims. A list of innovations available for use in 2017 is in Annex Table C, and a full database is available in CGIAR Innovations in 2017.

Examples of CGIAR innovations by CRP and Platform for 2017

A4NH Spatial, seasonal and climate predictive models of Rift Valley fever disease across Africa (affects domestic animals and humans)
A4NH Project-Level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (pro-WEAI), a new survey-based index.
CCAFS Climate Smart Agriculture Country Profiles
CCAFS Farm record keeping: A women-targeted practice accounting and farm management tool supporting climate smart agriculture practice
FISH Business models for smallholder fish farmers
FISH Life Cycle Assessment tool for analyzing future environmental impacts of aquaculture
FTA LUMENS (Land-use Planning for multiple Environmental Services) to develop green growth scenarios for sustainable land use planning
FTA Online decision-support tool to help in the selection of tree species and seed sources for restoration of Dry Forests
LIVESTOCK CLEANED tools: Comprehensive Livestock Environmental Assessment for Improved Nutrition, a Secured Environment and Sustainable Development
LIVESTOCK New drought resistant tropical forage: Brachiaria hybrid “Camello”
MAIZE Improved maize germplasm through ‘temperate introgressions’, with selection for key traits relevant for smallholders in Sub-Saharan Africa
MAIZE A low-cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to speed up the selection of maize varieties
PIM Improved methodology to aggregate trade distortion measures across commodities within countries
PIM Rural Investment and Policy Analysis (RIAPA) model: Economy-wide model that evaluates alternative policy and investment options
RICE High zinc rice: new segregating F4 lines with nutritional values greater than 24 ppm (50% above baseline) and four lines selected by partners for variety release
RICE Novel tools to assess milling and cooking quality, for screening breeding materials
RTB Triple S – Storing Sweetpotato Roots in Sand and Sprouting: a system of conserving planting material in time for the rains
RTB Youth agri-preneurs: a vehicle to make Roots Tubers and Bananas innovations an attractive business for the next generation
WHEAT Fhb1/Sr2 recombinant to facilitate breeding wheat cultivars with improved resistance to diseases of Fusarium head Blight and stem rust simultaneously.
WHEAT Raised bed technology – An improved, more efficient surface irrigation technique
WLE Online water planning tool
WLE ‘Contour bunding’ shown to preserve soils and boosts farmers’ incomes

Source: CRP Annual Reports 2017
Note: this is not a “top thirty” but a selection of 2017 innovations, nearly all in Stage 3, ‘Available for use’ (with the exception of high zinc rice, in multiple stages), chosen to demonstrate the range.

Photo by M. Major/Crop Trust.