Social Accounting Matrix Kenya

  • From
    CGIAR Initiative on National Policies and Strategies
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DOWNLOAD NOW!  2021 Social Accounting Matrix for Kenya Dataset 

Related Resources:

Updated social accounting matrices for Kenya: An instrument for policy analysis and simulation:The project brief provides an overview of the updated Kenya Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs)

KENYA 2021 SAM documentation: Read how KIPPRA, KNBS, and IFPRI analysts have co-created the new Kenya social accounting matrix. You will learn what data sources they used, how they reconciled different data sources, and informative statistics about the current structure of the Kenyan economy.

Social accounting matrices and multiplier analysisLearn more about the construction of social accounting matrices and their use for policy modeling. This training guide offers a series of hands-on exercises to introduce SAMs and SAM-based multiplier analysis gradually.

Impacts of implementing the bottom-up economic plan of jobs, poverty, and food security in Kenya: This paper, co-created by KIPPRA and IFPRI modelers, provides a practical example of how the Kenya SAM has been used for policy analysis. It estimates that under the Kenya Bottom-Up Economic Plan, 5 million jobs will be created, 5.5 million people will move out of poverty, and 2.9 million people will be lifted out of hunger by 2027.

The Kenya 2021 SAM was jointly developed by Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA)the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) under the CGIAR Initiatives on National Policies and Strategies (NPS) and Foresight, We would like to thank all funders who supported this research through their contributions to the CGIAR Trust Fund 

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