In April 2024, the Government of Madagascar, through the Regional Food Systems Resilience Program of the World Bank and with the support of the International Livestock Research Institute, launched its national master plan for the livestock sector.
Livestock production plays an essential cultural, social and economic role in Madagascar, contributing significantly to food security.
Around 70% of Malagasy households keep livestock, with three-quarters of these households located in rural areas. This activity accounts for 60% of the income of rural households.
However, the livestock sector in the country faces major challenges linked to lack of investment, low productivity, insufficient health coverage and the absence of reliable data.
Finding solutions to address livestock sector challenges can contribute significantly to improving livelihoods and help the sector reach its highest potential.
Madagascar’s livestock master plan will provide a roadmap for government, private sector and development partners to make evidence-based investments into the sector, while considering the social and environmental factors that influence livestock farming in the country.
Photo: Deforestation for agriculture and livestock, Menabe, Madagascar (Olaf Zerbock, USAID)