CRP-GLDC Golden Eggs contribute to ‘healthy diets’, ‘management tools and ‘scaling methods’

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What are Golden Eggs? The R4D “products” developed during 10 years of CGIAR’s Research Programs/Platform, including breakthrough tools, technologies, prototypes, practices, policy options, networks and methods that are at a stage of application are considered as the “Golden Eggs”. These are products emanating from decisive multi-partner, multi-level, multi-disciplinary R4D achievements that are ready to be translated into impactful technical, methodological, organizational or institutional innovations.

The CGIAR Research Programs compiled a list of 36 Golden Eggs for presentation at the virtual Transfer Marketplace event of the CGIAR on June 15-16, 2021, 36 Golden Eggs that were grouped into eight broad baskets. The Initiative Development Team (IDT) leaders of One CGIAR are expected to pick the Golden Eggs that can be considered for the new Initiatives to capitalize on the investments already made towards these CGIAR innovations.

Three Golden Eggs were identified from the CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals (CRP-GLDC) to be part of two baskets, ‘healthy diets’ and ‘management tools and scaling methods’. These Golden Eggs targeting Africa and Asia towards the delivery of biofortified cultivars are based on the established partnership under ‘management tools and scaling methods’ like ICRISAT’s Pearl Millet Hybrid Parents Research Consortium (PMHPRC) and the Alliance facilitated Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA).

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