Business models from the edge: Finding the green in sunshine, soil and sludge

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This week marks World Environment Day, and we search for solutions on how to better manage our food systems and natural resources. Some of the best solutions will involve science, government, and business working together through cutting edge business models. WLE presented these models at last year’s EAT Stockholm Food Forum. Join WLE at this year’s EAT.

Food sustains people. But the way we produce it is compromising our planet’s ability to support people and the ecosystems on which we rely. As populations and cities grow, it gets worse: we use up water, soil and nutrients. We harm our biodiversity. We create waste and pollution, including greenhouse gases.

But we need to produce enough nutritious food for our growing populations, so we need approaches that incentivize sustainability. We need to shake up current models by employing “business models from edge” – the edges of our food system innovations, such as agricultural, food and human waste. And the front edges – the frontlines – of food…

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