Brochure: Gender research in PIM

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Progress toward gender equality enhances inclusion and promotes effective development. Gender bias contributes to underlying causes of all the grand challenges identified by CGIAR: Living within Planetary Boundaries; Securing Public Health; Promoting Equality of Opportunity; Sustaining Food Availability; and Creating Jobs and Growth. Scientists supported by the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) are working to provide solutions to eliminate this bias. Some of the questions PIM seeks to answer are:

  • How do access to and control over inputs and resources affect the productivity of women and men?
  • How can technological, institutional, and other innovations improve women’s empowerment and agricultural outcomes for women and families?
  • How do the different drivers of agricultural transformation affect gendered roles in agriculture and outcomes for women and men?
  • How should value chain interventions be planned and implemented to ensure that men and women benefit equally?
  • How can social protection programs contribute to improved nutrition and other targeted outcomes for women and men?

The new brochure summarizes selected recent findings and outcomes from the gender research in PIM.


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