Natural Rubber Systems and Climate Change
23.06.20 > 25.06.20
Open Digital Workshop 23-25 June 2020 – 06:00-10:00 GMT
The International Rubber Study Group (IRSG) is organizing, with the International Rubber Research and development Board (IRRDB), the CGIAR research program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) led by CIFOR, and the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), a digital workshop on natural rubber systems and climate change.
Natural rubber production is impacted by climate change and needs to adapt to it. It can contribute to the adaptation of the populations that draw benefits from it. It can also play a major role in mitigation of climate change, both as a carbon sink and as an alternative to the use of synthetic products. However, natural rubber is rarely integrated in discussions on climate change at international level nor part of climate change related strategies, programs and measures.
The purpose of the workshop is to review recent research results on impacts of climate on rubber production, potential means of adaptation and contribution to mitigation of climate change, to identify knowledge and research gaps as well as recommendations for action.
The workshop is addressed to the members and partners of the participating organizations and open to all.
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