Global Market Intelligence Platform (GloMIP) Launch - CGIAR Research Initiative on Market Intelligence
06:00 am > 08:00 am UTC+08:00
Live-streamed event via Zoom
Register via Zoom link.
Join us at the Global Market Intelligence Platform Launch on June 7, 2024!
Purpose: GloMIP is a digital platform established by the CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence. It aims to crowd-source, generate, share, and analyze market intelligence such as product/technology preferences and requirements of farmers, processors, and consumers, and indicators of impact opportunities across crops, countries, and impact areas. This information supports market segmentation and product/technology design to address humanitarian needs better. It also helps (1) investors make better-informed R&D investment decisions and (2) scientists prioritize R&D and request and justify resource mobilization.
Achievements: GloMIP is an already functioning platform offering interactive portals like Impact Opportunities, Market Segments, and Target Product Profiles. GloMIP’s usage is growing rapidly, with 1,480 unique visitors (since October 2023). Users from organizations like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture, Semilla Nueva NGO, and the CGIAR have also expressed positive feedback on GloMIP’s relevance.
Relevance to CGIAR: To further scale GloMIP’s visibility and attract more users, the team will formally launch GloMIP to the CGIAR Community on June 7, 2024. This launch aims to achieve the following:
- Generate interest among donors and investors in using the platform for their investment decisions.
- Demonstrate a clear value proposition within the CGIAR and position it as an essential tool that can be used by the Mega Programs.
- Encourage project leads, program managers, crop breeders and scientists to use and promote the platform amongst their peers.
For more details, please visit our website at https://glomip.cgiar.org or contact us via email at glomip@irri.org.