Climate Change Research – Meet the Scientists Event and Reception
05:00 pm > 07:30 pm UTC-05:00
Washington DC, USA
Register here (open to all)
CGIAR hosted an off-site event as an official part of the AIM4C Summit’s program. The event at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) a short distance from the Summit venue highlighted the need for greater funding for agrifood systems R&D and provided an opportunity to meet with climate scientists working on modelling impacts of climate change on crop productivity, food security and livelihoods. Presentations spotlighted CGIAR research and innovations, including AIM4C innovation sprints. A high-level panel discussion focused on findings of a new report on investment in global agrifood systems research.
MC: Purnima Menon, Senior Director for Food and Nutrition Policy, CGIAR; Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI
Welcome Remarks: Johan Swinnen, Managing Director, Systems Transformation, CGIAR; Director General, IFPRI |
Presentation from the CGIAR Research Initiative on Foresight, showcasing climate change modelling results and scope of future work: James Thurlow, Director of IFPRI’s Foresight and Policy Modelling Unit and Faaiqa Hartley, IFPRI Scientist and Research Officer with the African Centre of Excellence for Inequality Research |
Panel Discussion: Moderated by the Economist’s Phillip Cornell with The Economist’s new report on “Ending Hunger: the role of Agri-food Financing” highlighting the need for greater percentage of R&D dedicated to food systems resilience.
Panellists: Claudia Sadoff, Executive Managing Director, CGIAR; Johan Swinnen, Managing Director, Systems Transformation, CGIAR; Director General, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and guests |
Innovation in Action: The Role of Agricultural R&D to drive climate solutions
Moderator: Karl Anderson, President of the Supporters of Agricultural Research Foundation (SoAR) Climate-Resilient soil fertility management by smallholders in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, Sieglinde Snapp, Director of the Sustainable Agrifood Systems program, CIMMYT Digital resources for scaling up climate-informed agroecological transitions, Lini Wollenberg, Project Lead: Inclusive Digital Tools to Enable Climate-Informed Agroecological Transitions, The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT |
Closing Remarks: Bram Govaerts, Director General, CIMMYT |