BOND webinar: From Cross to Cultivar. The potato breeding program at Zamarte, Poland
01:00 pm > 02:00 pm
Date: June 22, 2022
Time: 13:00 GMT/UTC (8:00 Mexico City, 14:00 Lagos, 15:00 Warsaw, 16:00 Nairobi, 21:00 Manila)
Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErd-qgrDwiGdLwcDeVXyNExwxKYca9AL0r
The potato breeding station at Zamarte, Poland has demonstrated a successful, large scale breeding program over 75 years and 50 generations. Operated by the Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute (IHAR), Poland, the program raises 70,000 new seedlings per year to confer enhancements and new disease resistance and quality traits across four product pipelines, with 30 potato cultivars currently registered (the most widely grown is cv. Denar) and seed production taking place across 900 ha.
In this webinar, learn how the staff of eight breeders work to achieve the quantitative and qualitative goals of the Zamarte program, with the opportunity to discuss the lessons and techniques that are applicable to CGIAR and NARS breeding programs.
Queries: Contact EiB’s Bodo Trognitz: rb.trognitz (a) cgiar.org
More about BOND: excellenceinbreeding.org/BOND
Special thanks: to EiB project funders including Crops to End Hunger, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, the United States Agency for International Development, GIZ/BMZ Germany, ACIAR Australia, and our presenters and partners.