Fruit and Vegetables for Sustainable Healthy Diets (FRESH)
Ensuring safe and sustainable production systems
This research area focuses on enhancing the availability of vegetables through sustainable diversification and intensification under conditions of climate change. FRESH is analyzing production system constraints and developing, testing and scaling options for sustainable diversification and intensification. Additionally, appropriate technologies, such as regenerative agriculture practices, integrated pest management, and water management, are being implemented, with a particular focus on year-round production of diverse and safe vegetables. Strategies and networks will also be developed to make quality farm inputs and services available to smallholder farmers.
In this area, the Initiative works closely with the following partners:
Sri Lanka
- Department of Agriculture (Central)
- Provincial Department of Agriculture (Uva)
- Provincial Department of Agriculture (Sabaragamuwa)
- Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI)
- National Irrigation Commission (NIRC)
- Local government machinery based in the working sites/areas
- Faculty of Agronomy, University of Parakou
- National Institute of Agronomic Research of Benin (INRAB), through the Vegetable Research Program
- Territorial Agriculture Development Agency of Agricultural Zone 7 (ATDA 7) with deep collaboration with its Municipal Units of Ouidah and Allada
- Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Environmental Stress Study (LAPVESE) University of Abomey Calavi
Read about the Initiative’s other focus areas: