Companion Document to the 2022-2024 CGIAR Investment Prospectus
CGIAR’s 5 Impact Area Platforms
Target funding for the CGIAR portfolio for the 2022-24 business cycle
CGIAR Initiative Proposals
- Accelerated Breeding
- Genome Editing
- Genebanks
- Breeding Resources
- Market Intelligence
- Seed Equal
- One Health
- Resilience in Central and West Asia and North Africa
- Excellence in Agronomy
- Nature-Positive Solutions
- Plant Health
- AgriLAC Resiliente
- Aquatic Food Systems
- Resilient Cities
- Sustainable Animal Productivity
- Asian Mega-Deltas
- Mixed Farming Systems
- South Asian Food Systems
- Diversification in East and Southern Africa
- West and Central African Food Systems
- Resilience against Climate Variability and Extremes
- Foresight and Metrics
- Digital Innovation
- Gender and Social Equality
- National Policies and Strategies
- NEXUS Gains
- Food Markets
- Sustainable Healthy Diets
- Transformational Agroecology
- Low-Emission Food Systems
- Fruit and Vegetables
- Livestock and Climate
CGIAR Initiative Proposal currently undergoing external independent review, moderated by CGIAR’s Independent Science for Development Council.
The review criteria for the Initiative Proposals are as presented by the ISDC Chair, Dr. Holger Meinke, at the System Council’s 13th meeting in June this year, as set out at page 6 of this document.