Analysis of policies relevant to the Great Green Wall Initiative in Ethiopia

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Ethiopia’s commitment to environmental management and sustainable development is
reflected in the Constitution. The 1994 Constitution of Ethiopia under Articles 44 and 92,
states that all citizens shall have the right to live in a clean and healthy environment, and the
Government and citizens shall have a duty to protect the environment. It further indicates
that the design and implementation of programs and projects shall not damage or destroy the environment.

The Constitution also incorporates a number of other provisions relevant for the protection, sustainable use and improvement of the environmental resources of the country.

The incorporation of these important provisions into the supreme law of the country uplifted
environmental concerns to the level of fundamental human rights. Moreover, Federal and
Regional governments have formulated and issued several policies, programs and strategies to
ensure sustainable development and environmental health. Some of these policies and programs
that are relevant to the GGW include:

• Agricultural Development Led Industrialization (1993) – a long standing development strategy to reduce
poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth
• Three subsequent poverty reduction plans (SDPRP 2000/01-2004/05; PASDEP 2006-2010; GTP 2011-
2015) to maintain macro-economic stability with a major focus on growth, particularly commercialisation of
agriculture and enhanced private sector development to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
• The Conservation Strategy of Ethiopia (1994) – Ministry of Natural Resources
• The Environmental Law of Ethiopia (1997)
• National Food Security Strategy (1996)
• Policy on Pastoral Development (2020)
• The Comprehensive Forest Policy (2007; Proclamation No 94/1994)
• Forestry Action Plan (1998)
• Establishment of the Environment and Forest Research Institute (2014), Regulation No 327/2014
• Establishment of the Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Research (1998), Proclamation 120/1998
• Sustainable Land Management in the Highlands (2008)
• National Early Warning System and Drought Mitigation Capacity (1998)
• National Meteorological Services Agency (1980) Proclamation 201/1980
• National Policy for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness (1993; 2013 revised)

AgriBilcha PLC.

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