Learning centres potentials for supporting NTFPS production from agroforest systems

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Extraction practices of NTFPs without introducing its domestication techniques have the potential to cause the extinction of the particular product or species. Currently, techniques to domesticate NTFPs under agroforestry systems have been explored, with two examples of economically valuable NTFP commodities are Trigona bee (Trigona sp.) and Bambu Tabah (Gigantochloa nigrociliata). Although techniques for its domestication have been identified, not much farmers know and understand how to domesticate the commodities. Government extension services are not yet disseminating information on NTFPs domestication, alternatives extension services approaches need to be explored to widespread information on NTFPs domestication to farmers. Learning centres can be one of the approaches that can support the dissemination of NTFPs domesticaion. This study was conducted to explore potentials of learning centres to support NTFPs production from agroforestry systems

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