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    CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence
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The CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence launches GloMIP, a global public platform for sharing market intelligence.

Los Baños, Philippines – The CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence unveiled the Global Market Intelligence Platform (GloMIP), the next game changer in genetic innovation and impact programs across the world, at a virtual event held last June 7.

GloMIP is the global public platform for sharing market intelligence to inform the targeting, design, and delivery of products and technology and guide R&D investment decisions by the CGIAR and its network of partners and investors. The platform aims to harness the best market intelligence in building cases for investments across the five CGIAR Impact Areas.

“Many people, including our funders, look at crop breeding programs and they go: ‘Well, that’s all very technical,” shared Sonja Vermeulen, managing director of CGIAR Genetic Innovation Science Group, “Then they ask, ‘What’s the connection to people? How do we connect this to the sustainable development goals or anything we actually care about?’ GloMIP provides the framework for doing exactly that.”

Initially designed to use market intelligence in bridging the gap between breeding program priorities of CGIAR and the actual needs of small-scale farmers, GloMIP expanded to serve the entire sphere of stakeholders for Genetic Innovation initiatives within and beyond CGIAR, including donors and investors, breeding program leads and managers, crop breeders, and scientists and researchers.

As a strategy and decision-making tool, the platform provides end-to-end market intelligence support for these stakeholders, from scoping impact opportunities to guiding product design by defining market segments, developing target product profiles, and building impact analytics to ensure that investment and trade priorities are evidence-based, equity-driven, and impact-focused.

“We really don’t want to leave any opportunities out there…and GloMIP interacts with the system to provide the market intelligence that is needed to optimize critical decisions,” noted CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence Lead Matty Demont on the holistic approach of GloMIP in guiding impact programs.

As of launching, GloMIP offers three fully operational portals developed by a transdisciplinary team: The Impact Opportunities portal for mapping impact opportunities with an extensive set of over 200 underdevelopment indicators related to agriculture and food in 171 countries; the Market Segment portal that features over 600 seed product market segments (SPMS) to support the alignment of breeding pipelines with market demands; and the Target Products Profile (TPP) portal which hosts a portfolio of future crop variety blueprints to guide product design decisions.

One of the platform’s highlighted features during the launch is its interoperable system with other CGIAR centers, making GloMIP the primary public gateway to a broader Innovation package for scaling agricultural solutions. Some of the partnering CGIAR initiatives in building these portals include Accelerated Breeding, particularly its Breeding portal, and Seed Equal.

In the next few years, GloMIP is set to grow these collaborations and include insighting features on spatial market segmentation, foresight, crop modeling, climate modeling, and expanded food feed commodities available on the platform. As CGIAR prepares to develop its latest set of mega programs, GloMIP is poised to provide the needed market intelligence insights in setting strategic priorities and managing portfolio for these genetic innovation programs.

Vermeulen further remarked on the future of GloMIP, “The range of applications (for GloMIP) is incredibly broad, and I think we’ve only just begun to scratch the surface.

Hosted at the IRRI HQ, the launch was attended by various agricultural experts from CGIAR and partners from around the world, including representatives from government, academe, and private sector.

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