How political territories can boost sustainable business

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Learn more about this topic at the Global Landscapes Forum Kyoto on 13 May, which can be viewed online through the conference’s Digital Edition.

Cocoa, coffee, sugar, palm oil – these are all important ingredients of some of the world’s most beloved treats and addictions. But they’re also some of the trickiest products to source sustainably and have frequently been the cause of deforestation and livelihood destruction across their chequered cultivation histories.

In recent years, consumers, governments, civil society and companies themselves have begun to demand commodities that are produced in more sustainable ways. This has led to a plethora of company commitments, platforms and initiatives that attempt to remove deforestation from major commodity chains. Such platforms include the Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA), which held its annual meeting in Colombia in early May.

Further Reading

Jurisdictional approaches to REDD+ and low emissions development

Subnational jurisdictional approaches: policy innovation and partnerships for change

The governance arrangements of sustainable oil palm initiatives in Indonesia: multilevel interactions between public and private actors

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