Accelerating potato and sweetpotato value chains with innovations in Kenya

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Since September 2015, a consortium of CGIAR centers—International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), International Potato Center (CIP) and International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Trops (ICRISAT) have implemented the AVCD project covering 21 counties across Kenya. The program, whose first phase is expected to end by 30 September 2018, has sought to widely apply technologies and innovations for selected value chains to competitively and sustainably increase productivity, while contributing to inclusive agricultural growth, nutrition and food security in the country.

CIP has led the root crops (potato and sweetpotato) component that aims to improve food security, nutrition and incomes of 100,000 smallholder households in Kenya over three years.

Read the original article to learn about achievements from potato and sweetpotato value chains:


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