From decisions to action: Accelerating implementation of climate action on agriculture


Time  Interventions 
15.15   Welcome remarks and introduction of speakers 
15.20  Fire-talk: Agriculture and food security in the IPCC 6th Assessment Report  

Dr Aditi Mukherji, Director of CGIAR’s Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Impact Action Platform, a member of the Core Writing Team of the IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report  

15.25  Unpacking the Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security 

Following the discussions during the 1st week, the speakers will reflect on the following questions: 

  1. What are key components of the Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security’? 
  2. What does success look like in 2026? What are the best outcomes for you/ your country? 
  3. What are the existing gaps in the Joint Work, and how can observers provide support to maximise the impacts of the Joint Work? 


Fire-talk: Climate finance for implementing NDCs in the agriculture sector  

Martial Bernoux, Senor Natural Resources Officer, FAO

16.00  Progress of agriculture discussions under UNFCCC = progress in national policies 

In the light of ongoing efforts to align national climate and development agendas with LT-LEDS: 

  1. In what ways do you envision that negotiations on agriculture can enhance the reinforcement and improved integration of agricultural priorities within NDCs? 
  2. How can existing national frameworks be utilized to effectively support an integrative process of updating and implementing NDCs that represent transformative climate action in AFOLU? 
  3. How can the existing climate finance can maximize its impact in implementing NDCs that represent transformative climate action? 
16.25  Wrap up and closing