Transforming Food Systems After COVID-19: European Commission Discussion of IFPRI’s 2021 Global Food Policy Report

COVID-19 has upended local, national, and global food systems, and put the Sustainable Development Goals further out of reach. But lessons and momentum from the world’s response to the pandemic can contribute to food system change.

In the 2021 Global Food Policy Report, IFPRI researchers and experts explore the impacts of the pandemic and government policy responses to date, particularly for the poor and disadvantaged, and consider what it all means for transforming our food systems to be healthy, resilient, efficient, sustainable, and inclusive.  The chapters in this flagship report explore key requisites for such a transformation in light of the current shock — balancing health and economic policies, promoting healthy diets and nutrition, strengthening social protection policies and inclusion, integrating natural resource protection into food sector policies, and enhancing the contribution of the private sector — and how best to achieve them. Regional sections examine the diverse experiences of the pandemic worldwide, and the impact of varied response measures.

During this session, speakers will share evidence on the impact of COVID-19 and discuss the way forward for food systems transformation.


  • Leonard Mizzi, Head of Unit, European Union Directorate General for Planet and Prosperity, DG International Cooperation and Development 
