9th CGIAR System Management Board Meeting
Montpellier, France
The CGIAR System Management Board held its 9th meeting on Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 April 2018. The agenda and list of materials for this meeting are provided below.
**Indicates that a document remains a working draft for further Board deliberations, and therefore remains internal to the Board at this time
Agenda Item 1 | Opening of 9th meeting |
Agenda Item 2 | Business Plan: Strategy (Part 1) – Improving Strategizing and Planning
Agenda Item 3 | Business Plan: Structures (Part 1) – Institutional innovation
Agenda Item 4 | Business Plan: Processes – clarification and streamlining
Agenda Item 5 | Business Plan: Strategy (Part 2) – Improving Strategizing and Planning
Section 1.7 of the Business Plan Document SMB9-02** |
Agenda Item 6 | A targeted look at CGIAR’s Genetic Resources
Agenda Item 7 | 2017 CGIAR Financial Statements
Agenda Item 8 | Business Plan: People – Attracting, retaining and nurturing the best
Agenda Item 9 | In-Camera Session |
Agenda Item 10 | Business Plan: Rewards – Incentivizing high performance and securing funding
Agenda Item 11 | Business Plan: Structures (Part 2) – Institutional innovation
Agenda Item 12 | 2018 portfolio delivery
Agenda Item 13 | Business Plan: Strategy (Part 3) – Improving Strategizing and Planning
Agenda Item 14 | Preparing for SC6
Agenda Item 15 | Consent Agenda
Agenda Item 16 | Business Plan: Strategy (Part 2) – Improving Strategizing and Planning