4th CGIAR System Council Meeting

  • Begin
  • End
  • Location
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The System Council’s 4th meeting was hosted by the Netherlands, and will include two half-day workshops on 9 May focusing on Genebanks and Resource Allocation Prioritization. The two-day System Council meeting itself represents an important opportunity to frame inputs into key topics for 2017 including CGIAR funding modalities, risk management, and science advisory functions. The Council is also expected to revisit key strategic themes of resource mobilization, gender, and responding to new challenges and developing new solutions for CGIAR to bring to bear.


Tuesday 9 May, Pre-meeting events 
 10:00 – 12:45 Funding the CGIAR Genebanks:

  • The meeting follows up on the recommendation of the System Council meeting 23 Nov 2016. SC/M3/AP1: Recognizing the importance of the former Fund Council’s decision at FC14 on funding the Genebanks, the System Management Office will put in motion a wider funding discussion amongst the System Council members (which includes the Genebanks decision, builds on the work done on the transition, and does not seek to reinvent the wheel). This work is to be overseen in due course by the System Council’s Strategic Impact, Monitoring and Evaluation Committee.

Provisional Agenda

Resource Documents:


 14:00 – 17:00 ISPC Workshop: Supporting decision-making for prioritizing resource allocation to achieve a dynamic and effective CGIAR research portfolio

Resource Documents:


 17:00 – 19:00 Welcome Reception hosted by the Government of The Netherlands

  • Location: ‘Grand Café de Tropen’, Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)
Wednesday 10 – Thursday 11 May, 4th System Council meeting

  • *Please note: Provisional Agenda and Papers shown in table that follows
 Thursday 11 May – Breakfast Meeting; A Global Roadmap for Mainstreaming Biofortification in CGIAR Breeding Programs
 08:00 – 09:00  Presentations


Friday 12 May, Post-meeting event
 09:00 – 15:00 Site visit to Wageningen University – CCAFS featureResource Documents:


4th System Council Meeting Agenda and Materials

Agenda Item Resources
1: Opening of 4th System Council Meeting
2: Positioning our conversations in the context of where we want to be in the future
  • No advance documents
3: Funding
4: Bringing in the essential element of prioritization into our resource allocation decisions
  • *See ISPC pre-meeting workshop resource document
5: Being certain that the system is adequately addressing agricultural systems in fragile environments?
6: The amount and type of risk that CGIAR as a System should be willing to take to achieve its mission
7: Getting the best possible independent science and research advice
8: How can we further strengthen CGIAR’s Gender Strategy?
9: Looking at Performance Management
 10: Inspiring the way forward
  • No advance documents
 11: Other Business and Closing