- About
- Overview
- On-farm technologies in social context – improving local adaptive capacities and inclusive scaling mechanisms
- Digitally enabled services to manage climate risk
- System-level research and interventions for building resilient, low-emission livestock production systems
- Financing the transition to low-emission and resilient livestock agrifood systems
- Improving the enabling policy environment for more resilient, low-emission livestock agrifood systems
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Livestock and Climate
All Resources
Pastoreo para el futuro: Navegando en la encrucijada entre un sector ganadero envejecido y la migración juvenil en Colombia y Guatemala
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)27.06.24-
Climate adaptation & mitigation
Grazing for a future: Navigating the crossroads of an aging cattle sector and youth migration in Colombia and Guatemala
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)25.06.24-
Climate adaptation & mitigation
Reforming the land, reforming the future? A critical analysis of agrarian reforms, cattle farming, and climate change in the Global South
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)25.06.24-
Climate adaptation & mitigation
¿Reformando la tierra, reformando el futuro? Un análisis crítico de las reformas agrarias, la ganadería y el cambio climático en el Sur Global
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)25.06.24-
Climate adaptation & mitigation
La ganadería en Colombia y su respuesta estratégica ante situaciones de conflicto: Un análisis a nivel municipal durante el punto álgido de la crisis de violencia interna
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)21.06.24-
Climate adaptation & mitigation
Guías para la implementación de sistemas ganaderos sostenibles bajos en carbono en paisajes de la Orinoquia
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)21.06.24-
Climate adaptation & mitigation
Cattle farming in Colombia and its strategic response to conflict situations: A municipal-level analysis during the peak of the internal armed conflict
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)21.06.24-
Climate adaptation & mitigation
Soil health improvement by using Urochloa tropical grasses as a cover crop in a grass-maize rotational system
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)19.06.24-
Climate adaptation & mitigation
Optimizing nitrogen use efficiency of six forage grasses to reduce nitrogen loss from intensification of tropical pastures
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)25.05.24-
Climate adaptation & mitigation
Indicadores de sostenibilidad: Los forrajes tropicales como promotores de productividad y conservación
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)25.05.24-
Climate adaptation & mitigation
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