Featured Resources
The new treaty on patents, genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)09.11.24-
Gender equality, youth & social inclusion
How to ‘future proof’ benefit-sharing from the use of DSI in agricultural research and development
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)09.11.24-
Environmental health & biodiversity
Painting the diversity of a world's favorite fruit: A next generation catalog of cultivated bananas
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)17.10.24 -
Genome-wide association study of cassava brown streak disease resistance in cassava germplasm conserved in South America
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)17.10.24-
Nutrition, health & food security
All Resources
Frente a la sexta extinción, ¿podrá la conectivid@d salvarnos?
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)29.08.24-
Environmental health & biodiversity
Generation, use and sharing of digital sequence information in crop improvement. Submission to the Twelfth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Working Group to Enhance the Functioning of the Multilateral System: Policy Brief
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)25.08.24-
Climate adaptation & mitigation
Environmental health & biodiversity
Colombia could broker historic global agreement to share genetic diversity’s digital wealth
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)21.08.24-
Climate adaptation & mitigation
Environmental health & biodiversity
Coconut conservation and propagation
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)03.08.24-
Nutrition, health & food security
Droplet vitrification: A lifeline for long-term conservation of threatened species Garcinia indica
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)31.07.24-
Environmental health & biodiversity
Plant cryopreservation: Principles, applications, and challenges of banking plant diversity at ultralow temperatures
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)31.07.24-
Environmental health & biodiversity
Digital Sequence Information (DSI) data governance practices to support benefit-sharing and science
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)31.07.24-
Climate adaptation & mitigation
Environmental health & biodiversity
Coconut Biotechnology
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)31.07.24-
Environmental health & biodiversity
Sampling strategies for genotyping common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genebank accessions with DArTseq: a comparison of single plants, multiple plants, and DNA pools
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)25.07.24-
Environmental health & biodiversity
Collecting and managing in situ banana genetic resources information Musa spp. using online resources and citizen science
The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)31.05.24-
Environmental health & biodiversity
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