
Fragility, Conflict, and Migration


The Initiative team works closely with governments and other partners on local, national, and regional levels to generate evidence on effective policies and programming before, during, and after shocks and crises. The team includes experienced researchers from across CGIAR working on fragility, conflict, and migration.

 FCM suggests a comprehensive four-pronged approach aimed at addressing the challenges of compound crises in fragile and conflict-affected settings. The four work packages—Anticipate, Bridge, Stabilize, and Accelerate—are geared toward strengthening anticipatory action and governance, bridging emergency operations with long-term sustainability principles, generating evidence to guide effective policies and programming, and accelerating innovations that address humanitarian-development-peace (HDP) priorities alongside local innovators, including women.

Activities are focused on the following four areas:

A recently added Work Package 5  focuses on learning and partner decision support – with the World Food Program as a key strategic partner – through dedicated funding from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). This work cuts across all four other work streams.

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