
Much of CGIAR’s impact comes through the contribution of its research results to policies and investments at national and international level.

For example, CGIAR research informed:

  • Commitment to investments of up to USD 21.5 billion by the Indian Government and
    partners, to provide 2.75 million grid-connected solar irrigation pumps to farmers and
    farmer cooperatives;
  • One-stop border posts being established in Sub-Saharan Africa, to enable safer and easier
    cross-border trade by women traders and processors;
  • National agroforestry concession legislation enabling land and tree rights vital to livelihoods of 120,000 households at the Amazon forest frontier in Peru;
  • Two private companies in Uganda facilitating the registration of sugar outgrower contracts
    in women’s names and improving access to bank accounts for women.

Table 2. CGIAR contributions to international and national policies, legislation and significant investments reported in 2017

Policy or strategy 13 8 6 37 8 72
Budget or investment 3 5 18 5 31
Curriculum 1 1 1 2 5
Legal instrument 4 4
Total 14 12 12 64 13 112

Source: CRP annual reports and evidence presented to support claims. Full database available here.

Selected examples of policies, legal instruments and investments and similar to which CGIAR contributed in 2017


  • Livestock researchers and partners used their modeling expertise to provide a guide for public and private investments in Ethiopia. This ‘Livestock Master Plan’ was adopted by the Ethiopian Government and then used by various actors, including the World Bank, to shape their investments, which will ultimately impact more than 2.3 million of Ethiopia’s 11 million livestock-keeping households. The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) contribution to livestock development in Ethiopia was recognized by an honorary award from the Government in November 2017. (Reported by LIVESTOCK)
  • CGIAR research informed investment of USD 21.5 billion by the Indian Government to provide 2.75 million grid-connected solar irrigation pumps to farmers and farmer cooperatives. (Reported by CCAFS and WLE)
  • National agroforestry concession legislation enabled land and tree rights that underpin livelihoods for 120,000 households at the Amazon forest frontier in Peru. (Reported by FTA)
  • Private companies in Uganda implemented modified procedures designed to facilitate the registration of outgrower contracts in women’s names (Kakira Sugar Limited) and improve access to bank accounts for women (Tropical Bank). (Reported by PIM)
  • Conservation Agriculture based sustainable intensification was included in the national extension package in Ethiopia. (Reported by MAIZE)
  • Vietnam’s food systems are evolving rapidly, making food safety a high priority for the government. CGIAR mobilized, produced, and/or contributed to a range of initiatives supporting a shift in food safety policy to a more efficient and equitable risk-based inspection and monitoring system bolstered by compliance incentives. (Reported by A4NH)


  • CGIAR research informed investment of USD 2 million for a regional Climate Smart Agriculture strategy for Central America. (Reported by CCAFS)
  • Two more countries have joined a nine-country regional seed policy agreement that speeds up the distribution of modern rice varieties across nations in South and Southeast Asia. (Reported by RICE)
  • National and regional policy dialogue has led to new policies for one-stop border posts being established in sub-Saharan Africa (so far, in four key border posts involving eight countries), to enable women fish traders and processors to conduct easier and more equitable crossborder trade. (Reported by FISH)


  • CGIAR research and capacity development contributed to the formal decision on the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture by the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties. CGIAR provided scientific evidence (inter alia) on the importance of agriculture to the goals and concrete technical and policy options, including the benefits of increasing soil organic matter to mitigate climate change. (Reported by CCAFS and WLE)
  • The World Food Programme (WFP) mainstreamed recommendations on practical ways to make their country office programs more nutrition-sensitive, beginning with ‘seven key opportunities’. (Reported by A4NH)
  • Specific procedures for Intact Forest Landscapes were adopted by the Forest Stewardship Council. (Reported by FTA)
  • The European Union designed trade policy relating to agreements with African Regional Economic Communities. (Reported by PIM)

See more examples and details in the policy contribution database at Policies/Investments informed by CGIAR Research.

Source: CRP annual reports 2017 and evidence presented to support claims.

Photo by N. Palmer/CIAT.