

Innovations are new or significantly improved outputs or groups of outputs, including management practices, knowledge, or technologies.

In 2020, CGIAR revised its approach to reporting innovations, allowing for reporting on genetic innovations to include associated innovations related to individual improved lines and varieties. This reporting approach allows for a more accurate representation of the full range of genetic innovations.

In 2021, a total of 1,152 total innovations were reported. Of innovations reported in 2021, 66% related to genetic innovation. Most of these innovations (58%; 664 innovations) were at the end-of-research stage.

Other types of innovations reported in 2021 included those related to research and communication methodologies and tools (13%), production systems and management practices (11%), social science (7%), biophysical research (3%), and other (2%).*

From the total number of innovations in 2021, 6% (69) had been taken up by next users, 18% (203) of innovations were available for uptake, 10% (113) had been piloted, and 67% (767) were at the end-of-research stage.*

Most innovations in 2021 were regional (58%; 670 innovations). At the national level, a significant percentage of innovations were linked to Nigeria (4%; 45 innovations), Uganda (3%; 38 innovations), and Kenya (3%; 38 innovations). Nearly half of all innovations had a global focus (45%; 522 innovations).

*Due to rounding, not all percentages add up to 100%.

Innovations overview

Explore our innovations for 2021.

Recent achievements:
Digital database supports better fisheries management in Timor-Leste
Results indicators: